Goals, 2014 Edition

The year sure has gone by fast. Time seems to go by faster and faster, especially now that I have kids. I look at them and wonder how they got so big so fast! Hell, my German Shepherd just turned one and it feels like I just brought him home in a small box, wrapped in a towel with his mother’s scent on it.


There are some theories as to why time seems to go by faster as we age. Some state that the lack of significant new experiences, or in other words, the repetitive nature of being an adult, make time seem to go faster. Therefore, the key to “slowing” time down is to experience new things more often. Makes sense.

My theory is that as we age, each day, week and year makeup a smaller percentage of our life. Thus, from a mathematical perspective, time is shorter, percentage wise. (I may have read that somewhere or it could be an original thought – I really can’t remember).

So with less than 2 ½ months left in 2014, I’ve devised a few goals that will kick start my 2015. As I stated before, this wasn’t a good year health wise. Therefore, my goals will be as follows:

  • Develop healthy eating habits. There’s a lot up for debate here, but for me, this means high protein, high fat, low carbs. More on this later.
  • Workout regularly. This means powerlifting twice a week, kettlebell workouts twice a week, and active recovery activities with the kids on weekends.
  • Get the kids moving! I want to instill good workout and dietary habits in my kiddos. Their off to a good start! They have weekly swim lessons and I want to enroll them in kickboxing soon.
  • Slow time down! This one’s tougher than it seems. As stated, this is done by experiencing new things more often. That can be hard to do with a full time job, kids, mortgage, etc. This is really more of a 2015 goal, but I might as well get started on it now.

I will write about long term goals later. I think those are important and I’m working on them.

Keep informed, stay healthy, and seek new experiences!

Since we’re on the subject, enjoy Time by Pink Floyd. David Gilmour’s solo at 3:12 is so good, it makes me want to crawl into the fetal position! Enjoy:

So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it’s sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you’re older,
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.


Angelino who loves reading, writing, photography & toys. Tech & GNU/Linux aficionado. MMA & LA sports fan. Coffee flows through my veins!