The Black Keys at the Forum

BlackKeys_SkullsThe wife and I went to the Black Keys “Turn Blue” concert a few days ago Thursday at the Forum in Inglewood, former home of the L.A. Lakers and L.A. Kings. We got ready with some energy drink / vodka concoctions that I prepared at home with my SodaStream. We sat in the parking lot for a while and laughed our asses off as we saw people in cars all around us doing the same thing.

Anyway, after getting “ready” and buying a knockoff shirt or 2 in the parking lot, we made our way into the Forum, bought ourselves a pair of authentic shirts ($70 for 2 t-shirts!!!), and found our spots. We were ready for the show to start.

Verdict: The Black Keys are amazing. The show was raw, loud and lived up to the hype. During the opening song “Lonely Boy,” you could hear a little clanking and a few off timed beats. I loved it! It was honest and that is more than you can say for most so-called performers these days.

The music flowed seamlessly, with one song after the other serving as a showcase for the Black Keys to demonstrate their power to make people dance, nod their heads in unison and feel. That’s the point of music: you should “feel” something. Even sad songs have the power to make you feel better.

BlackKeys_BandannasMost music today makes me feel the urge to turn the damn sound down, but not the Black Keys. There’s a strange satisfaction to hearing a well composed song, and I don’t mean one that is composed in a formulaic way. Most music today feels like it’s struggling to make the listener like it. I feel like there’s a formula out there because all of it sounds the same. The end goal is to sell, not move or create a truly artistic piece.

Obviously, music shouldn’t be that way. It should be honest and raw. The goal should be to capture a feeling, an expression, much the way a photograph can capture a moment in time. I think the Black Keys did that. By the end of the show, my only wish was that they had played a few of my favorites, like “In Our Prime.” Their catalog is that deep – I wanted more and nothing less.

As I wrote earlier, the Black Keys are my current music obsession. Tonight’s show ensures their place in my daily playlist.




Angelino who loves reading, writing, photography & toys. Tech & GNU/Linux aficionado. MMA & LA sports fan. Coffee flows through my veins!