

Hello and welcome to my little nook on the internet.

I am a husband of 1, father of 2 and happy dog owner of 3 in sunny, rain-less Los Angeles. I am an avid reader and like to keep informed and to write.

Writing helps me to express ideas, reminisce, crystallize memories, and to focus my thoughts.

About My Blog

I don’t intend this to be a big audience site or seek an income via this blog. I just like to write and while I did add some ads, this really is just an outlet for writing and when needed, venting a bit. Anything else that comes out of this is just a bonus.

With that said, if you find anything you read here useful, I would like to hear from you. If you would like to quote or link to my site, please let me know – I’m nice 🙂

About My Logo

I designed the logo a while ago and have it tattooed on my arm. It is an ode to my family, my heritage, my love of reading and writing, and the endless quest for self-improvement.

My Motto

Be loyal to things that are real, and there should only be a few of those.

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to contact me or leave a comment. Till then, keep informed, stay healthy, and seek new experiences!

joel <at> jgar.pw

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