2015… Another Year In The Books

2015... fading away...

2015 is almost gone… Wow, so hard to believe it’s already December of 2015. It’s been over a year now since I’ve started this blog but it feels like yesterday. This year has been a blur!

Although not necessarily an eventful year, there’s a lot that went on personally. My job is still steady, my health and that of my family’s is good, and we’ve settled nicely into our new home. Those are the constants. As for things in flight, well, maybe I’ll have more to say about that later. I’m a project guy; I always have something I’m working on, be it a hobby or something more involved. However, most things get completed and then on to the next one, or just flame out due to lack of interest on my part or others.

There’s a few things I’ve been working on this year, some fun, some not so much. I’m producing a podcast for some friends and that’s been a fun challenge, as I never worked with audio before. Now I feel like a pro – I can setup a website, setup the podcasting hooks, setup a mixer & mics, record, edit, distribute and even market the damn thing. Here’s one that’s in between: I’m a website administrator for a few non-profits, donating my time and skills. I have an IT degree and extensive background so this doesn’t really stress me much or push me. The only issue I have doing this is: people.

I work with nice people on these projects, but sometimes, it can be a little too much interaction for my liking. Example: people expecting me to work on their personal projects or teach them what I do. I don’t mind showing people a thing or two, but some people feel like I’m their personal assistant, there to fix their issues (even if they’re not related to the non-profit) or to teach them what I get paid to do. I feel like stating that I’m donating my time to do the work, not to teach you how to do what I do. If you want to learn how to administer Apache or IIS, MySQL, cPanel, work with HTML, PHP, SQL and CSS, manage a CRM system, manage users and even provide content, then do what I did: go to school, get a degree, and then put in the time learning.

OK, enough with the whining. Overall, it’s actually been a decent year. I’ll try to post once more before the year ends, but if I don’t, I’ll at the least check-in on Twitter and wish you all a great 2016.

Now, enjoy a song from the best album of 2015, Alabama Shakes: Sound & Color:


Angelino who loves reading, writing, photography & toys. Tech & GNU/Linux aficionado. MMA & LA sports fan. Coffee flows through my veins!