Bernie Sanders – Is He The Real Deal?

I’m extremely apathetic when it comes to politics. I see them all, Republic and Democrat, as a bunch of phonies with very well scripted speeches going before the masses to drum up votes, while meeting privately with the real targets: corporate sponsors, special interest groups and billionaires who are out to control such said politicians in exchange for a “contribution” to their campaign or SUPER-PACs.

Case in Point: The President of the United States, the highest office in the world, earns $400,000 per year. So, what does it take to “win” that office? Here are some staggering numbers from


The pic is a little grainy, but it took over 2.6 BILLION dollars to win the presidency in 2012, with total spending for that election cycle exceeding 6 billion dollars. The loosing candidate, Mitt Romney, spent $1.2 billion, compared to the winner, current President Barack Obama, who spent just slightly under that at $1.1 billion.

So, how can we make sense of those numbers? Who in their right mind would spend so much money for a job that only pays $400,000 a year? Maybe we can answer that question with another question: how is it that politicians “serve” their terms, retire and suddenly become millionaires, that is, if they were not millionaires already?

Maybe they “learn” something while in office, like how to be genius and articulate orators. It seems that politicians, upon leaving office, go before a few corporate boards, give a speech here and there, and before you know it, there are millions in their bank accounts. Are those speeches really worth millions of dollars? Or are those fees “payback” for something else?

UPDATE (06/08/2015): Report: George W. Bush Raked In Millions Through Speaking Gigs – “typically pocketing $100,000 to $175,000 per appearance,” according to Politico in a post published on Sunday.

It is pretty obvious where I’m going with this. This country was bought and paid for a long time ago, and our current policies attest to that. It is an infuriating and alienating truth. It really turns me off to the whole process.

2016 will surpass 2012 and be the most expensive campaign ever. It took over $2.6B in 2012 and that will be bested easily, with the Koch Brothers alone accounting for nearly a third of that amount. They are funneling almost $1B ($889m to be exact) to a Republican candidate and have no qualms about their intent: control public policy, move the country to the right when it comes to social issues, and further their corporate interests at the expense of science and environmental issues, global warming and poor people be damned!

Read Bernie Sander’s Senate page for a full rundown.

But, there is always a glimmer of hope. Mine rests solely with Senator Bernie Sanders. He’s raising money by reaching out to people, not corporations. He’s publicly stating his intentions: to go after billionaires, their tax loopholes, corporations who stash money overseas so as to avoid taxes, and is a reasoned voice when it comes to social issues and military interventionism.

standwbernieRead his site for a full breakdown of his views:

So can he do it? The media says no, no
and no. However, there are a few who think there is something different going on here. Read more below.

Bernie Sanders can’t win: Why the press loves to hate underdogs

Bernie Can Win

Bernie has pulling power with social media and he also has internet activism, as it’s come to be known, on his side. I hope he rides that wave to the White House and for the first time in my life, I’m actually considering donating to a campaign.

UPDATE (06/13/2015): My wife and I have both made separate contributions to Bernie’s campaign. #Bernie2016!

Bernie is the one who can make my fear come through: he manages to win, but is still powerless to stop the massive political machine that is now indebted to corporations, special interest groups and billionaires.

What will I do if that happens? Hopefully I’ll get the chance to be proven wrong. We won’t know until it happens, so support Senator Bernie Sanders.

On most issues, he’s right on!

Now check out his awesome 404 page:


Angelino who loves reading, writing, photography & toys. Tech & GNU/Linux aficionado. MMA & LA sports fan. Coffee flows through my veins!